🏗️ ΘρϵηΠατπ🚧 (under construction)

Quotient Remainder
Suppose that a,b, but that b0, then there exists unique integers q,r such that a=b·q+r where 0r<|b|

Note that the requirement that b be non-zero is important, because if it were zero we'd be asking "how many times do you have to multiply 0 and add r to get a" which in itself doesn't intuitively make sense, formally since we require 0r<|b| then if b=0 no such r could ever exist.

Remainder Function
Given two integers a,b such that b0, then we get some q,r with 0r<|b| such that a=b·q+r and we define a % b:=r
Quotient Function
Given two integers a,b such that b0, then we get some q,r with 0r<|b| such that a=b·q+r and we define a // b:=q
Quotient Remainder using Quotient and Remainder Function
For any a,bZ such that b0 then a=b(a//b)+a % b
Specific Value of the Divisor Function
We note that a // b=ba
Specific Value of the Remainder Function
We note that a % b=bbaa
Quotient Remainder on Positive Integer has Positive Divisor
Suppose that a,b1 such that ab then a//b1
Divides iff Zero Remainder
For any a,bZ aba % b=0
Every integer is either Odd or Even
For any z, it is even or it is odd
Exactly one of any two Consecutive Numbers is Even
For any nZ exactly one of n,n+1 is even (and the other odd)
When the Remainder Function does Nothing
Suppose that mN1 and that a[0,,m1] then a % m=a
Repeated Application of the Remainder Function does Nothing
Suppose that a,mZ such that m0 then a % m=(a % m) % m
Quotient Remainder and Addition
Suppose that a,b,mZ then (a+b) % m=((a % m)+(b % m)) % m and (a+b)//m=a//m+b//m+(a % m+a % b)//m
If a Number Divides a Sum and Already Divides one of the Summands it Must Divide the Other
Suppose that da+b and da then db
Adding Multiples of the Divisor Never changes the Remainder
Let mZ0 and a,kZ then a % m=(a+km) % m
n Factorial Plus or Minus One Restricts Factors
Suppose nN1 then for every m[2,,n] mn!±1
Every Perfect Square has Remainder Zero or One Upon Division by Four
For any nZ we have n2 % 4{0,1}

Note that we also see that every odd perfect square has remainder 1 mod 8 as an intermediate stage in the above proof.

Every Odd Perfect Square has Remainder 1 mod 8
As per title.
composite number
A number n1 is said to be composite, when it has a positive divisor other than 1 and itself
multiplicative function
an arithmetic function is said to be multiplicative when
for all coprime positive integers m,n
Suppose that d(n) is the number of divisors of n, then d is a multiplicative function.