An n-ary relation on the sets X1,X2,…,Xn is a subset R of their cartesian product, where we say that the relation holds between x1,x2,…,xn when (x1,x2,…,xn)∈R
when R is an equivalence relation, we denote it by ∼ instead of R
Connected Relation
Given a binary relationR on X, we say it is connected if for any x,y∈X if x≠y then xRy or yRx
Strongly Connected Relation
Given a binary relationR on X, we say it is strongly connected if for any x,y∈XxRy or yRx
Equivalence Class
Given an equivalence relation∼ an equivalence class is a complete set of equivalent elements, which we denote by [x] which is defined to be the set {y∈X:y∼x}
Congruences induce a Equivalence Relation
Fix n∈N1, then relation on Z by aRb if and only if a%n=b%n defines an equivalence relation
Given any a∈G, then clearly a%n=a%n so that aRa, if aRb, then a%n=b%n and then b%n=a%n, finally if a%n=b%n and b%n=c%n therefore a%n=c%n
Supose that (S,≤) is a partial order, then the smallest element is unique
Suppose that there are two smallest elements a,b∈S since a is the smallest then a≤b and since b is the smallest then b≤a by transitivity a=b and so the smallest element is unique.