πŸ—οΈ Ξ˜ΟΟ΅Ξ·Ξ Ξ±Ο„Ο€πŸš§ (under construction)

Greatest Common Divisor
suppose that a,bβˆˆβ„€ such that (a,b)β‰ (0,0), then the greatest common divisor of a and b notated as gcd(a,b) is the largest positive integer that divides each of a,b

Therefore gcd:Z×Z→N1

GCD's Characterization
Let a,b∈Z, and let g∈Z sugh that g∣a∧g∣b and βˆ€d∈N1,(d∣a∧d∣b)⟹d≀g if and only if g=gcd(a,b)

Note that since d∣g⟹d≀g we may use d∣g on the right hand side of the implication

GCD is a Linear Combination
For any a,b∈Zβ‰ 0, there exist integers s,t∈Z such that gcd(a,b)=as+bt, moreover gcd(a,b) is the smallest such positive integer of the form as+bt
Relatively Prime implies there is a Linear Combination of One
If a,b are relatively prime, then there exists s,t∈Z such that 1=as+bt
Factoring GCD
For any k,a,b∈Z such that kβ‰ 0 we have gcd(ka,kb)=|k|gcd(a,b)
Forced Division through GCD
Suppose we have n,a,bβˆˆβ„€ and that gcd(a,n)=1, then if n∣ab then n∣b
If you Can find a Linear Combination that Yields One, then Their gcd is one
Let a,b∈Z, there exists x,y∈Z such that ax+by=1 if and only if gcd(a,b)=1
Swapping Factors
Prove that for any a∈Z we have gcd(5a+2,7a+3)=1
Coefficients have GCD one
Suppose that gcd(a,b)=g and thus we have some x,y∈Z such that ax+by=g then gcd(x,y)=1
Dividing out by GCD removes all Common Factors
Suppose a,b∈Z and let d:=gcd(a,b) then gcd(ad,bd)=1
Rational in Lowest Terms
A rational number r∈Q written as a fraction r=ab is said to be in lowest terms if gcd(a,b)=1
Lowest Terms Rational Always Exists
For any r∈Q it can be represented in lowest terms
Non Trivial Divisors
Let n∈Z such that |n|β‰₯2 then we define ntd(n)={d∈N2:d∣n}
Non Trivial Divisors Don't Change with the Sign Changes
For any a∈Z ntd(a)=ntd(βˆ’a)
Non Trivial Divisors is a Subset of 2 up to The Number
For any n∈Z such that |n|β‰₯2 then we have ntd(n)βŠ†[2,…,n]
The Non Trivial Divisors of n Factorial Plus or Minus One
Suppose that n∈N1 then ntd(n!+1)βŠ†[n+1,…,n!+1]
Common Divisor Set
Suppose that a,b∈Z then we define cd(a,b)={d∈Z:d∣a∧d∣b}
Common Divisors as the Intersection of the Non Trivial Divisors
Suppose that a,b∈Z then cd(a,b)=ntd(a)∩ntd(b)βˆͺ{1}

Note that it follows that you can flip the sign and the common divisors don't change, this also shows that it can be done in the gcd, TODO add a proof of this.

Common Divisor Set is Bounded Above
Add a multiple of the other Yields Same Common Divisors
For any a,b,k∈Z cd(a,b)=cd(a,b+ka)
No Common Non Trivial Divisors Implies Relatively Prime
Suppose a,b∈Z then ntd(a)∩ntd(b)=βˆ…βŸΉgcd(a,b)=1
Superset Divisors Implies Greater GCD
For any a,b,p,q∈Z cd(a,b)βŠ†cd(p,q)⟹gcd(a,b)≀gcd(p,q)
Same Divisors Implies same GCD
Suppose that a,b,p,qβˆˆβ„€, then cd(a,b)=cd(p,q)⟹gcd(a,b)=gcd(p,q)
Add a multiple of the other Yields same GCD
For any a,b,k∈Z we have gcd(a,b)=gcd(a,b+ka)
Let n∈Z then gcd(n,n+1)=1
Division by Individuals Implies Division by Product when GCD is one
Suppose gcd(a,b)=1 then (a∣c∧b∣c)⟹ab∣c
GCD of a Multiple is Greater
For any a,b,k∈Z we have: gcd(a,b)≀gcd(ka,b)
A Divisor of a Coprime number Is also Coprime
Suppose that a,b,d∈Z such that gcd(a,b)=1 and d∣a then gcd(d,b)=1
Relatively Prime Factors Implies Relatively Prime Product
Suppose that gcd(a,b)=1 and gcd(a,c)=1 then gcd(a,bc)=1
GCD of a Factorial
Suppose that n∈N1, determine gcd(n!+1,(n+1)!+1)
a,bβˆˆβ„€ are said to be coprime if the only positive integer that divides them is 1.
Coprime GCD Characterization
a,bβˆˆβ„€ are coprime if and only if gcd(a,b)=1
Least Common Multiple
Suppose that a,bβˆˆβ„€ then the least common multiple of a and b notated as lcm(a,b) is the smallest positive integer such that a,b∣lcm(a,b)
Least Common Multiple Characterization
The lcm l:=lcm(a,b) is the unique number satisfying
  • a,b∣l
  • For every m∈Z+,(a,b∣m)⟹l≀m

Similarly we may replace l≀m with l∣m since it implies l≀m.

GCD and LCM Connection
Divisor Function is a Bijection if Relatively Prime
For n∈N1 let Dn denote its set of positive divisors Dn:={a∣n:a∈N1}, prove that for any m,n∈N1 that f:DnΓ—Dmβ†’Dnm defined as f(a,b)=ab is well defined, and is a bijection if gcd(m,n)=1